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Are you looking for UK spouses visa in California?

If you are a British citizen and wish for your non-British spouse to join you in the UK, you will need to apply for a UK spouse visa.

The UK spouse visa is also commonly referred to as a UK marriage visa but should not be confused with the marriage visitor visa.

A successful application will grant your spouse 2.5 year to enter and live in the UK, this can be extended for another 2.5 years. After 5 years of living in the UK, your spouse will be eligible for permanent residency.

Basic requirements are:

  • You and your spouse must be 18 years old or over.
  • You must have met each other and be legally married
  • You must intend to live together permanently.
  • You must have enough money to support yourselves (and any dependents) without claiming public funds.
  • Your sponsoring partner must earn more than £18,600 per year or have enough savings to be able to sponsor you. The minimum financial requirement is higher if they are also sponsoring dependent children.
  • You must have suitable accommodation for you, your spouse and any dependents.
  • You must satisfy the English language requirements.

Although the requirements appear to be basic, it is important to utilize the services of a UK immigration attorney, to ensure that your application is properly prepared and you don’t fall foul of ill prepared immigration application which can easily lead to refusal.

Although you have search for UK spouse visa California our UK immigration attorney based in California is able to assist with all your UK immigration matter, regardless of your location.

There is therefore no need to specifically find a UK spouse visa California

Our UK immigration attorney is based in our office is located in Woodland Hills, San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County. You can always find us by searching for UK Immigration Attorney Woodland Hills, UK Immigration Attorney, Woodland Hills Los Angeles and UK Immigration Attorney San Fernando Valley.

Since our office service the whole of California, you can also search for UK Immigration Attorney Anaheim, UK Immigration Attorney Fresno, UK Immigration Attorney Long Beach, UK Immigration Attorney Los Angeles, UK Immigration Attorney Oakland, UK Immigration Attorney Sacramento, UK Immigration Attorney San Diego, UK Immigration Attorney San Francisco, UK Immigration Attorney San Jose, UK Immigration Attorney Santa Ana